Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Shopping for the Holidays...

How many times have you gotten the man in your life some bogus scarf because you were at a loss at the holidays? Well look no more! This scarf is for the man who has everything. You KNOW he doesn't have this. Who exactly would have this? Its...well its, so poofy! All the other scarf models could tie their scarves in those trendy knots, but this poor guy has to have his scarf just dangling there. When has any neck in the history of clothes needed to have a fur scarf to keep warm? I'm amazed to see my husband wearing gloves, it would take an act of Congress for him to wear a scarf as crazy as this. It's lined with forest green casmere and the fur is racoon. It retails for $2400.


  1. Dude - this is Killer. Carl needs one for x-mas. Make him look like hunter/mountain man. Just what he needs to blend in around here.

  2. Right? Very Grizzly Adams. Its for the guy who has everything.
